Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4 as faithfully honor its predecessor, Far Cry 3, we can say that almost look very long extension.

While Far Cry 4 takes place in kyrat (Himalaya), which provides a change of scenery, and the rest remains the same: exploration, hunting, development of your character, artificial intelligence,secundaireIs bad news that we are here to have a “more equal”? Let’s find out.

sekarangdengan elephants

Far Sgu4 invite you save kyrat tested in mission daTazi area of ​​the grip of a dictator. Just as in Far Cry 3, part of the appeal of the mission will be able to put aside the main linemissions and initiated a large number of optional content.

Conquering dictator’s militia posts is one of the best hobbies because there is no single solution. You can add fort firing introduce non-stop falling from the sky with a mini helicopter, remote attacks by snipers Thereother random events that high levels of uncertainty for your expedition.

pochivkaot side missions in a straight line, but they had more variety than what play Far Cry 3. Billy example, setting the rebel army escort Andatruk with trusted friendsgrenade launchers. The results will literally explode.

“It all sounds very familiar,” you might think. Far Sgu4 add more “tools” to unleash your creativity, such as elephants, mini-helicopter, more animals, but the structure remains the same.

Far Cry 4 want topusnesmut the company. The multiplayer mode is one of the novelties of the game. You can take a trip around kyrat together with others in cooperative mode, or participate in one of the players Vs. player modes such as Capture the Flag or deactivate bombs.

Another great novelty of thiscampaign forten.Dit four publications such extremely high level of difficulty is advisable to try to catch them with temandalamkooperativna multiplayer mode. You will have many alone or in the company of the time, but we miss a challenge like this.

onechange of scenery

Kyrat is a beautiful place. Graphic help to remember that in a sort of extension of the island paradise of Far Cry 3. Each kyrat subregion has its own style, color and form of culture can menyimpulkanmelihat the landscape. In exchange, Far Cry 4 requires a powerful computer. but zhertvataDostoyniyat.

ifYou’ve just played Far Cry 3, you want to skip Far Cry 4 for use. And even find once you learn to control new entrants series. They are very intuitive and can do a lot of activities with them without having to create complex combinations of keys or buttons(In kasusAnda speeltmet gamepad).

No revolution in the eye

Far Cry 4 is “more equal”. We hope to repeat the stupid things you do in FC 3, but this time in kvartalsamo more opportunities? Dive into adventure and do not think. Get ready for something more revolutionary you? Then wait for the inevitableFar Cry 5.

Far Cry 4