Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is a competitive free multiplayer online first-person shooter (a), because it is a large range of predefined character classes and a well-balanced gameplay.

The cartoon-style graphics Team Fortress 2 looks good in three years older games. itanother big advantage in comparison with a more realistic visual style – you can see what’s going on will not go very clearly in the background, away from the other players. And thus, you can logkavyznachyts that graphic digitalis help decideThe sequence appears in the distance.

There are nine classes Scout Team Fortress 2. Attack and Maria Ors. Squad Protection has a very serious training, while the support group has a Medic, Sniper researchers. There are a lot of things can be found, and the diversity of the region. There are four typesGame Team Fortress 2 – capture the flag, control it and the chaff payload. Each type sends another date yakayaunosits contribute to the mass party of free content to play the title may suggest.

The game is fast and accurate, and the controls are tightened, and there are plenty of settings toplay. Team Fortress 2 cartoon violence makes them much less the more courageous titles like Call of Duty use if knowledge really competitive.

Team Fortress 2 is very popular, and rightly so. Now it will not be free and cross-platform, there is no excuse not to join?


versionDecember 2, 2011;

Recorded «Checkout available” error is less sure about the reasons for the acquisition of articles

Some customers have experienced the best stuttering frame rate issues

Team Fortress 2