Microsoft NET Framework RC 4

The .NET Framework, released by leading software developers in the world of Microsoft, allows users to create web applications, desktops and mobile devices designed to work on mobile devices, personal computers and servers for Windows, and also includesInto the Visual Studio package. Applications developed by this system can reach an audience of almost a quarter of a billion customers in a wide range of devices, such as Windows, Desktop, Mobile, Surface Hub, Hole Lens and Xbox.


The .Net Framework is an inconsistent Microsoft programming model and exhaustive forCreation of applications, communication lines and the ability to model the most important business processes. This provides significant improvements to both CLR (Common Language Runtime) and BCL blocking (Basic Class Library), a new file transferred to memory and numeric types, a series of interesting innovations in the languageProgramming on VisualBasic and C #, and ipodkrepa Windows Touch features have multitouch, tape controls, taskbar expanded function, and surface SK. WFC Services Framework data is an important component that facilitates the creation and implementation of services based on the method representative of the state (REST) ​​of users,Using the Open Data (O-Data) protocol to consume and expose data on the Internet.

Frame interfaces and user friendliness

Patima five repetitions of khususFramework .NET Framework framework for 4 years in the .NET Framework, supported by SP1 (Service Pack 1), which accompanies service packets for such repetitions. Platform version.NET is supported with Service Pack 2 and then in the .NET Framework, which in turn supports SP1 and the .NET Framework that is supported with Service Pack 1. There may be several versions of the .NET platform installed and There, on the same machine, without loss of function. Cases zapovecheto you can getThe most recent memanfaatkannyaIterasi database to run applications created with older .NET versions. The latest .NET Framework does not automatically pop out legacy applications and pre-installed. This program requires .NET Framework specifically to be installed before the developer does not provide the file.Configuration to reassign the application to function in .NET Framework version 4.

Zabroyat number of programs and meningkatKerangka use the tool Update for Windows requires users to install the latest version, then it must be developers and ordinary users. SometimesUsers can get into trouble associated with installing, upgrading and reinstalling the program. The repair tool available for free download on Microsoft can support the .NET structure fully optimized and fully capable of monitoring development and digital life.And Windows Internet users.

Microsoft NET Framework RC 4