The Mummy 2017

The amazing title Tom Cruise, a film legend that has fascinated the culture of all over the world, has since released the “Mummy” version. And this has led to her abuse, grown up: a thousand years of hidden souls awakening in a lonely illusion of thought deeply deeply grave in a lonely old princess (The Secret Service and Star Trek Beyond Sofia Boutella Kingsman). And that fear is the decline of human intelligence. RozmyvannyaPisky in the maze of hidden mazes hidden in contemporary London,”Mummy” brings with it the wonderful intensity and balance and the wonderful Wonderland experience with a new creative campaign that takes place in the new world of gods and monsters.

Mimic is a legendary city of South Korea about mysterious creatures that can imitate the voice of a person named Jangsan Tiger. Creating a person’s voice to attract the cave of Giza. An unfortunate Korean family becomes a victim of kolyHey-ion, deprived of his son, and his wife, who is guarding him after the disappearanceTo suffer, it gets to the seaside Dzhanhsan Tiger because the sound imitates his lost children.

Language: Korean

Classification: NA

Total Publication date: 21st of September, 2017

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Time: Not available

Distributor: GSC Movie

Cast: Yum Jung-ah, Hewko-Kwon Park, Shin Ah-Rin

Director: Hugh Young

Format: 2D

The Mummy 2017