Detective Conan: The Crimson Love Letter

Detective Conan: “Crimson love letter” (AFF) In the channel Nichiuri is a bomb, starring in the Satsuki Cup, and they will announce “Hyakunin Isshu the winner.” Fortunately, Conan can save Heidi and his friends Kaduhu who are trapped inside when land garevna In the turbulence caused by the search for a bomber and to investigate the possibility of the motive, Conan meets Momizhi Ooku, claiming that he is a daughter Heyzhi. Momizhi turns KarrantIz Kyoto High School champion, and isThe person who should Kazuha supratsstayatsu HiakunineIshshu. Meanwhile, defending champion Satsuki Cup was killed and found with multiple Caruth cards spread around the victim. Heidi and Conan investigate further and reveal the secrets, which connects with all Hiakuninom Ishhu.

Japanese language

Classification: P13

Data amounted to 25 August 2017

Genre: anime

Duration: 1 hour 53 minutes

Distributor: Organizer Festival

Starring: Minami Takayama VakanaYamazaki Ricky Koyama, Rio Horikawa

Director: KobunShizune

Format: 2D

Detective Conan: The Crimson Love Letter