Google Chromium OS

After weeks of rumors, reviews, headlines and official performances in San Francisco, Google Chromium OS is finally available.

Chromium OS is currently only available as a source code to download and organize to create image files that are compatible with any virtual machine solution such as VMware or VirtualBox. It is based on Linux, starts in a few seconds and is primarily intended for the Internet.

which is the most outstandingfeature in Google Chromium OS. Almost everything is based on the network or, if you want, in the “clouds”. Chromium OS is designed for use with online applications and all files are stored online. This makes it so fast and easy: the operating system should install everything on your computer because you can access it on the Internet. This is the ideal operating system for small computers such as netbooks.

After that you can start logging on to your ownGmail account. Google Chromium OS may seem a little strange early, but it is also very intuitive. Funny, because it’s completely different from other operating systems you’ve ever tried. It’s just a web browser and intuitive because one browser spends most of its time on different operating systems, so there is no learning curve at all.

Google Chromium OS is definitely a revolutionary operating system that makes usersThey change our computer image and how we use it. Instead, I think the revolution It will take some time to get familiar with the operating system itself, not to mention that Chromium OS is still at an early stage of development.

Google Chromium OS is the first step towards revolutionizing an online operating system that uses online applications and stores everything on the Internet.

Google Chromium OS