Darkest Hour 2017

Dark time With the disintegration of France during the early days of World War II, Britain runs in dark hours as threats to the invasion invasion. Finally, Western Europe seems to be on the shoulders of the British prime minister elected by Winston Churchill, and unexpectedthe events of the Nazis and a joint army imprisoned on the Dunkirk beaches. In addition to giving political opponents, Churchill is forced to be one of the most determined to talk to Hitler and save lives. The United Kingdom, or collecting a group and fighting great power.


Subject: Po

Note: NO

General date of issue: 31 January 2018

Type: Drama / History / War

Time: not available

Distributors: International photographs of the Union

Call: Gary Oldman, Ben Mandelson, John Hert, Christine Scott Thomas, Lily James

Directed by: Joe Wright


In the early days of World War II, and in France, the UK stands for an hour gekdonkerste as a threat to lurkinginvasion. Although seemingly unstoppable Nazi forces advancing Allied troops nook and driven to the Dunkirk beaches, the fate of Western Europedepends on the leadership of the newly appointed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (candidate Gary Oldman). As he maneuvers with his political opponents, he must confront the final elections: to negotiate with Hitler and save people from bad costs or to compile the nationand to fight extraordinary opportunities.

Darkest Hour 2017