My Print Screen

The “Print Screen” tool allows you to keep the screen from a computer or storage solution in the cloud. The instrument is very popular because there are so many videos on YouTube that you can use, and why there are so many online tutorials and lesson how it is used.

Far from the usual way to print the screen

Use the My Screen tool to print screens in a specific area. Or you can save the entire screen if you want. You can set up fast-dial set and configured miniaturization toolor other types of images. You do not need to install image editors to use the software, and the GUI makes the configuration very simple.

Conclusion – Set up the tools to meet your needs

Use the toolbar “My” to print if you’re tired of starting paint to draw what you’ve taken. Instead, you can press the button to save the camera to each color image. Using this tool is much faster than the traditional way to capture a screen, which is idealis to make photosensitive to atmospheric conditions.

My Print Screen