Goat Simulator 1

Goat Simulator is just what it sounds like: the restoration of life; Open World free mind, scaring others, and destroy everything that you see, Goat Simulator abizarregamecompletely area, but very funny in its simplicity.

Anarchist kozyW Goat Simulator, you get agoat, which graze freelyin the open world (in fact it is not too large), whose sole purpose is to destroy all znajdzie.Można cry as loud as you want to scare the other ramagainst objects and people, złamaćpod peoples homes and znishchytsavtamabili, fences, or basicallywhatevers horns before the weapon, but you alsocan use the language of goats to lick or bite anything objects and living beings, to drag them to the simulator hasno sobą.Koza objectives or performance of real missions. The only thing that matters in the game, how to escape by destroying everything that you can find to score points in order to enterliderów.Co at most, you can get additionalpoints through certain activities that are listed on the screen, for example, air for a certain period of time, such as a jetpack. It’s amazing is not it? Pay attention when crossing the road, oryou can move cars and truckscars that pass by, but do not fear too much for lifeyoure just one click away from going back into the game życia.Świat it’s up to you to explore and you can discover the surprises offered by the developers as a control ringto other aggressive goats or at home,where you can turn on the TV and playing Flappy Goat (mini-game that hołdsłynnego Flappy bird).

Simple operation, but many offunRuszasz goat vykarystovvayuchyWASD keys 1 Key bleat licking E and R are special forces and shift to run. Using the mouse, you can movethe camera in any direction with the full freedom of movement, as well as the left mouse button, you sheep against everything that you want. In addition, canthe hit, run and perform strange; in shorts, goat simulator isincredibly easy to play. Checks are immediate, and the graphics and animacjesą, perhaps deliberatelyimperfect.

Irresistible urokKoza simulator plays in terms of third asobyvyglyad. The graphics are smooth, but far from perfect, andit is even more egregious is the head of the goat błędów.Będziesz see the wall or board transition for no reason, and limbs often disappear. animationthe area is a little rough, and with all the logic, and only a few przykładów.Poważną disadvantage? On the contrary: These errors are part of the beauty Goat Simulator and contribute mistrzowskuzwiększyć pleasure. Even poor quality background music framed beautifully surreal atmosphere gry.Bawiąckozcan be very zabawneKoza simulator it creates the impression that the goat’s life much more exciting than you think, and how the game has evolved without realistic goals to achieve, it uda.Będziesz be curious and interested in the game, even with all these great graphical errors deliberatelyor not entirely well with the crazy dynamics anarchistyKoza. But you just know when you play grę.Oczywiście, goat simulator is not a game for everyone: for the hardcore gamers, it bessensovnagulnya, while casual players will find it strange and interesting. One thing is certain:Goat Simulator is a fun game, very original and centainly boxand is for this reason alone, it is definitely worth a try.

Goat Simulator 1