Adobe premier pro 7

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro software is a revolutionary non-linear video editing application that produces video and audio to a whole new level.


Real-time edition

– Take advantage of new, edited real-time editing experience and allows you to edit with unbelievable speed.

Several lines of unstable time

– Use a lot of unstable terms to feel better and more efficiently manage complex projects.

Advancedcolor correction

– Use the color correction tool to adjust the nuances, saturation and lightness of the clear, mid tone and shadow; Replace the color in the clip with one choice; and more.

Improved audio editing

– produces richer and stronger sound by editing sample, VST filters, tracking effects and surround sound.

Custom keyboard shortcuts

– Customize the shortcut to set it in editing style. Use pre-installed prefecture, use standard shortcutsfor industry standards or create your own. Export custom sets to share with colleagues.

Scalable release platform

– Works closely with other programs and video tools: Adobe Premiere Pro supports the latest industry standards, including OHCI, ASIO, AAF, and VST.

Standard support for high definition definition

– Import, edit, and deliver data or SD Production using OEM certified hardware using the programAdobe Premiere Pro. Encodes the contents of Windows MediaT 9 Series HD discs using the built-in Adobe Media Encoder.

Adobe unprecedented integration

– Unparalleled integration with your favorite Adobe applications, including Adobe After Effects, Adobe EncoreT DVD, and Adobe Photoshop.

Third-party hardware support

– Enjoy great hardware and open architecture that lets you work with everyone from the impressive DVCAM equipment list with the latest video cameras andVideo for third generation devices including SD and HD tablets.

The advantage of speed Windows XP

– Take full advantage of multiple processors, advanced multiprocessor technology, and hypertext support in the latest Windows KSP with Intel Pentium processor.

Support for wide video format

– Import and work with MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DV, AVI, Windows Media 9 and KuickTime formats.

Full audio format support

– Import and collaborate with VAV, VMA, MP3 and AIFF formats and audio formatsAVI and KuickTime.

Support for major video carriers

– production of audio and video materials for major data carriers to deliver: transfer formats, DV, DVD, CD, VCD, SVCD and web. Exit AAF files to share them with other professional editions.

Supports sequences of files and pictures

– Work with AI, AI, PSD, PSD, JPEG, TGA, TGA, TIFF, TIFF, PCX, BMP and BMP sequences.

Directly on DVD

– Exporting Adobe Premiere Projects directly to DVD atThe purpose of distributing high quality MPEG-2 content.

Adobe premier pro 7