Everything, Everything 2017

Medi desperately wants to experience many challenging outside world, and the promise of her first novel. Looking out the window, and only through texts, Oli them a deep bond that leads them to risk all being together – even if that means losing everything.

The teenager, who is limited to the house for the fall fans. ’17 girl named Madeleine Vhittier has a rare disease that keeps it in the room with filtered air 24/7. Ceoživot it, in factIs the book, her mother, and Charles (her sister) .Odnoho daily moving truck pulling door. There she saw Olga. Olli world a new neighbor Maddi. They know each other by email. The more they know each other, the more they fall in love. Ollie Medi begins to realize that she does not really live. This adventure begins to live with Medinove.

Everything, Everything 2017