Geostorm 2017

After the disaster, which has never happened at risk of the planet, world leaders have come together to create a complex satellite network for global climate control and keep everything safe. But now there is something wrong – the built system, He attacked to defend the Earth, and the race against time to find out the real threats before Geostorm globally disposed of all with him.

If the global climate of the satellite network pryznachanakantralyavats began to attack the Earth,it’s a race against time to disclose the real threat before, and Geostorm around the world can not get rid of anything and everything. If climate change disasters threaten Earth’s survival, the world government joins and creates a program of Dutch Belt: satellite around the globe, all over the planet, equipped with geoengineering technologies designed to destroy the disturbance. Having defended a successful planetygeta for two years, I have something to offer. Two brothers who were wardsDitugaskandengan complete damage before the Geostorm program around the world can hit the planet.

Geostorm 2017