Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud management and file management application. Here you can download Google Drive for Windows which allows you to synchronize and upload files from your desktop.

Earlier, Google has a variety of different related services. Now Google has published a Google disk that includes Google Docs, Google+, and cloud storage in one.

While separating Gmail and Google + they predict the name changeGoogle Docs in Drive with free storage of 5GB. Like Dropbox, add a shortcut to your Windows Explorer so you can drag and drop files.

Once added, they will be placed in your online account. Any file type can be uploaded and usable via the current available Android app or online. The incorporation of the living document allows you to acquire larger assets such as photo and video recording.

Thefriends can comment on everything you set and add another level of social interaction. The comparison can be compared to other cloud storage services, but an additional link to a Google Account makes it a simpler, more unique system. If necessary, you can buy more storage space for more space.

Google Drive has a lot of potential, but there’s still room for improvement.

Google Drive