Happy Death Day 2017

A student with the killing of his day overcame the extraordinary and terrible details, until he found the killer identification.

A student with the killing of his time overcame the extraordinary and final detail until learning the identity of the killer. A teenage girl trying to enjoy her birthday soon realizes that this is the last. That is, if it can not determine who the killer is. He must move to this day, again and again, and die in darozeU nolike what he can decide to kill his own tro.A?

Happy students DayCollege Gelbman students have to survive birthday again and again, that would be so bad if not, and the next day he died. Now she has to keep moving the horrible day, until she identifies the murderer and the cause of the murder. The tree goes through a circle of time, again in her wake up in the morning of a complete birthday to remember that is experienced at night.


Text: Nothere is

Classification: Not available

General Publication Date: October 12, 2017

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: Not available

Distributor: English International image

Starring: Jessica Roth, Israel’s Broussard Do Modin

Directed by Kristofer Lendon

Format: 2D

Happy Death Day 2017