Leave No Trace 2018

Will (Foster) and his teenage daughter Tom (Harcott McKenzie) live in the woods of Portland, Oregon. When their idyllic life is disturbed, both are in social services. After the collision with their new environment, Will and Tom set off on a terrible journey back to their homeland.

Father and daughterin a relentless but mysterious existence in the forest park, a beautiful nature reserve near Portland, Oregon, is often the world. But when authorities make a small mistake, they are sent to an increasingly volatile journey in search of a place to call their own.

theBaseand his 13-year-old daughter live in the perfect setting in a large city park in Portland, Oregon where the mistake takes their lives forever.

Directed by:

Debbie Garrick Will (Ben Foster) and his teenage Tom (Thomas Harcott McKenzie) live in a network in the woods of Portland, Oregon. Whentheir idyllic life is collapsing, both are in social services. Once in front of their new settings, Will and Tom set off on a terrible journey back into their wilderness. The film was sent to the Grinicus barrage, adapted by Granus and Anne Rossellini.

Leave No Trace 2018