Microsoft NET Framework 4

the world’s leading developers of free software Microsoft .NET Framework allows users on the web, and desktop applications are designed for Windows Mobile devices, computers and servers running and also included in the package is to create Visual Studio. Application development in this field worldwide audience of nearly a quarter of a million consumers can be reached in a broad range of Windows devices, my computer, phone, in the middle of the face, as Holo Lens and Xbox.

Microsoft describes duencadroNetFrameworkmpangomodel that is consistent and comprehensive communication and the ability to simulate a wide range of business processes compatible with the application. such as CLR (Common Language Runtime) and (Base Class Library) BCL critical, memory-mapped file and numeric form new innovations in a number of language stimulation program # Visual Basic and C, and functional support as a basis to improve significantly offers duWindows called multi-touch functionality, tape management, work is an extension of the bar features, skin and SK. WFC Services keythat service is representational State Transfer (REST) ​​based applications and Open Data Protocol (O-data) to expose and consume data using online video is a system that facilitates the creation.

Interface Framework and usoActualmente ease, there are a total of five iterations of the frame, in particular, duEsparru 4 NET, NET Framework, SP1 (Service Pack 1) during the service organization’s monitoring nzipakiti iteration. NET Framework version of SP2 (Service Pack 2) support, followed by the .NET Framework, meanwhile, SP1 and the .NET Framework,which is also supported by a grant SP1. It is possible that different versions of the .NET Framework already installed on the same machine, without losing functionality. In most cases, you can use the latest iteration of the .NET Framework and .NET applications made vellosversións exekutatudirela. NET Framework 4 does not automatically pushed forward before imewekwamaombi older. These applications are pre-installed with the .NET Framework specific intent that the developer can apply a configuration file to run the version of the .NET Framework 4by failing to remap offer.

an increasing number of programs and the use of system resources resumirUnWindows requires users to update, install the latest version, it is necessary for developers to regular users. Sometimes, consumer packaging, upgradesna problems and re installation program can be found. forming tool is available for free download in Microsoft .NET Framework and is fully capable of maintaining a fully optimized digital life through choppy and Windows developersand users can continue.

Microsoft NET Framework 4