Premika 2018

Evening magnifies special “Speklika mee ‘is stimulated by the so called” premique’, named after a brand of clothing he wore. While the spirit of the loins, unaware of her own incredible is excited by the lights. Since then she will be happy that he went into the house to play poorly vosallicit time ever.

Language: Thai

Bible / Malay / Chinese

Taxon No corresponding

General Published Date: May 10, 2018

Genre: Pop / horror

Duration: Not available

Dispenser Music CSC

Cast: NatsasitKotimanushanich, Gena desuz, Pramote Pathan, Kidakarn Chatkavmani, Anongart Jusananda

Director: Siwakorn Charupongsa

Format: 2D

Premika 2018