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Assistant – just great software on your browser. Once installed, services, efforts are usually more social contacts manually to download videos and other materials used to dusareak quickly. global sites, such as YouTube or Facebook in the downloaded immediately, as well as many popular sites in Russia adds.


Assistant multiple websites that do not support features zagruzkiNodenak. Facebook YouTube and Twitter, LiveJournaloffer you will find, along with the old and less popular platforms today. Russia no more than a list of points: If you live or work in Russia, mainly in every Web site, you can imagine that. But some other popular Web sites are allowed, for example, Tumblr. Some of the different sites can also download a small icon on each link, to be annoying.

Your Internet PC

Assistant makes life errazagojendea often see CIFA video, watch your linetime, they want to keep forever, or the reaction may be used as an image. Websites that you use most often, while they supported, and you used to spend some time presteskuratzeko, nothing bad to say about

SaveFrom net Helper 5