Tsukiji Wonderland 2017

VonderlandTsukiji Tsukiji Market is the largest wholesale market of fish and seafood in the world. It was built during the Edo period 80 years ago. Fish and seafood from Tsukiji serve as core “ishoku”, traditional cuisine of Japan, which is included in the list of UNESCO nematerijalnihKulturnaErbe of mankind in 2012, the documentation shows the Japanese people in Tsukiji, knowledge about the seafood and the importance of traditional Japanese Kitchen.

Language: Japanese


General information: 7 July 2017

Genre: Documentary

VremePerformanse: Not available

Sales: GSC Movies

Votes: Jiro Ono, Ren Redzepi, Teodor S Bester

Directed Naotaro Endo

Format: 2D

Tsukiji Wonderland 2017